About Hear This Education
Aotearoa New Zealand
To hear for life, listen with care
Hear This Education is the collaborative effort by likeminded people, backed by our members who believe in educating our community about the risks and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Hearing Support Christchurch / Hearing Education Canterbury is the host organisation with whom Hearing Education Hawke's Bay "merged". Both organisations have gone through radical changes during the last couple of years. Due to the increased availability of audiologists and other not for profit organisations offering services to the community and those with hearing impairment, we realized that prevention through education was the next logical step.
At the World Health Organisation's Forty-Eighth World Health Assembly, they called for Member States to "(4) to consider the setting-up of mechanisms for collaboration with nongovernmental or other organizations for support to, and coordination of, action to prevent hearing impairment at country level". We are heeding that call for national change.
We currently offer free educational presentations to schools to educate our tamariki about the risks and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Our Vision
Through education, to lead the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our Mission
Provide effective programmes and resources for our educators who will in turn promote the message of preventing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). We aim to reach all people living in Aotearoa New Zealand through collaboration with organisations with similar interests and goals.

Our journey

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Meet the faces behind Hear This Education.