We've been around for a while
Founded in 1938, Hearing Association Christchurch later became Hearing Support Christchurch.
Providing services for the hard of hearing and those seeking more information about hearing loss.
We've changed.
In 2023 we have changed our focus to prevention education. Our programme focusses on educating our communities about the risks and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. We are active in your schools and focus on sharing this important message with our tamariki to help them create healthy habits early in life to protect their hearing for longer.
Earplugs proudly sponsored by Earjobs
What We Do
Education National
Our educational programme is currently focused on school aged children from Year 4 to 8 (8-12 years old). The programme is delivered as presentations which teach them about the risks and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
The presentations are free for schools.
Rest Home Services in Christchurch
Our Rest Home Worker pays monthly visits to rest homes in Christchurch to assist our elderly community with their hearing aid needs. This is such an important service as many elderly find it difficult to have those needs met due to mobility issues.
School Programme